Tuesday 6 December 2011

Last post

Now that chemotherapy has finished and I have had the scan results Clare and I are keen to get back to as normal a life as possible so this is the last post from me as I face getting fit again and hoping the cancer stays away for many many years.

If I start again it will be bad news and the cancer is back so here's hoping this is it for a lonnnnnggggg time. In the meantime I am going to life my life to the fullest. Cancer is terrible for the sufferer and loved ones but it gives you a unique perspective on life only a few can relate to. Without labouring this it's time to look at life a whole new way. If you are lucky enough to share a pint with me I will no doubt bore you with what all this means to me :)

It's been a hell of a year but I am looking forward and will deal with the complexities of living with this disease the very best I can. On the plus side I have a great wife and kids and a lovely new baby daughter. My boss and colleagues have been incredibly supportive and I am very thankful to my friend Jon for his charity efforts. Also we owe a lot to many others from the school mums who helped out with school runs to those who put up with me when I was not feeling too cheerful about my situation.

I do plan my own charity event next October next year. Inspired by Jon and others I plan a coast to coast cycle run in Ireland to raise money for research into lymphoma. I will no doubt run a blog on these adventures and chase everyone for sponsorship :)

That's all fom me. Wish us luck and thanks for reading.

1 comment:

  1. Inspiring stuff. I look forward to sharing many a future pint with you. Good Luck to you and lov to all the family.
