Tuesday 6 December 2011

Last post

Now that chemotherapy has finished and I have had the scan results Clare and I are keen to get back to as normal a life as possible so this is the last post from me as I face getting fit again and hoping the cancer stays away for many many years.

If I start again it will be bad news and the cancer is back so here's hoping this is it for a lonnnnnggggg time. In the meantime I am going to life my life to the fullest. Cancer is terrible for the sufferer and loved ones but it gives you a unique perspective on life only a few can relate to. Without labouring this it's time to look at life a whole new way. If you are lucky enough to share a pint with me I will no doubt bore you with what all this means to me :)

It's been a hell of a year but I am looking forward and will deal with the complexities of living with this disease the very best I can. On the plus side I have a great wife and kids and a lovely new baby daughter. My boss and colleagues have been incredibly supportive and I am very thankful to my friend Jon for his charity efforts. Also we owe a lot to many others from the school mums who helped out with school runs to those who put up with me when I was not feeling too cheerful about my situation.

I do plan my own charity event next October next year. Inspired by Jon and others I plan a coast to coast cycle run in Ireland to raise money for research into lymphoma. I will no doubt run a blog on these adventures and chase everyone for sponsorship :)

That's all fom me. Wish us luck and thanks for reading.

Scan results

Got scan results today. Summary is I have good partial remission (complete is very rare with my disease). All the enlarged lymph nodes are pretty much normal size with the exception of 1 which is greatly reduced from 5cm x 5cm to 1.7. Normal size is 1cm and the enlarged one may only be that size due to scar tissue. All round a good result and consultant is happy.

What's next?

Well as planned I get maintanence treatment every 8 weeks for 2 yrs. This only takes a couple of hrs and has no side effects. How long I stay in remission is unknown. Could be a couple of years or could be 20. Who knows. The maintanence treatment is to push the cancer further away and keep me in remission so if that does the trick I will be good.

When it does return i will have a few options. A stem cell transplant which although currently risky can cure the cancer or possibly other treatments and many are on the horizon which can cure or greatly extend remission. Thinking positive here.

The best I can do in the meantime is get healthy, live well and get stuck into the greatest life possible with my lovely kids and Clare. 1st step is to get well then start on the push to fitness and live healthily.

Right now I feel pretty good and although far from 100% well I am working longer days than before and feeling more up to the normal day to day.